Note! The latest versions of the Womier K66 do not support QMK as of this moment.

Environment Setup - macOS

We will need to do some setup to get MacOS setup for QMK, let us set it up now. For all these commands you will need (built in to MacOS!) or a similar terminal emulator like iTerm2 open to install.

1.) Install Homebrew

Homebrew is an open source package manager for MacOS to make installing packages easier, we will install it now. Run the command bellow to download and install Homebrew. Follow the instructions.

					/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

2.) Install Git

We will need Git to clone the source code of QMK to compile, just run this command to install with QMK:

					brew install git

3.) Clone the modified version of QMK.

Make a directory with mkdir womier and then go into it with cd womier. Run this command to clone our modification of QMK, it has many changes to support the chip womier uses.

					git clone -b womier-k66-rgb-support --recurse-submodules -j8

4.) Installation of drivers and other necessary applications.

QMK includes a helpful script which installs all the different dependencies required to compile. First we will need to go into the cloned qmk_firmware directory.

					cd qmk_firmware/

That was easy enough, now we need to run the script:


When this is fully complete and has no errors, you will need to exit out of your terminal emulator and open it back up again to reload. Go back to the cloned qmk_firmware directory. Once this is done move on to the next page by pressing the purple button below.