Note! The latest versions of the Womier K66 do not support QMK as of this moment.

Running Womier Flasher from Source

Womier Flasher is a simple tool created by xyz which assists with flashing the pre-compiled firmware onto the board. You will need to use Python 3.6, anything older or newer will not work.

Run the following commands to install Womier Flasher

Clone wormier-flasher using git:

	  git clone

You will need to create a Virtual Environment:

	  python3 -m venv venv

Then activate that Virtual Environment:

	  . venv/bin/activate

Install the wheel package:

	  pip3 install wheel

Finally install all required dependencies:

	  pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Now to either run the flasher or freeze it into a sharable binary run fbs run or fbs freeze respectively.